Friday, November 30, 2012

Ani's Cinnamon Rolls

Dear host, laporan lagi ah.

Kamis kemarin saya libur, tadinya niat mulai diet untuk menurunkan kelebihan 2kg berat badan. Jam 7 pagi minum W*P Nutritious Drink, jam 10 makan Strawberry Pavlova buatan sendiri (diet apa duut tuh ya), jam 1 makan siang Ayam Geprek, Tempe Tepung, Sambal & Sayur Asem. Jam 4 sore ngemil Da**ne Yoghurt. Nah harusnya jam 7 malam hanya minum Nutritious Drink lagi. Tapi dari sore sudah tergelitik ingin mencari resep Cinnamon Roll yang enak. Akhirnya googling dapat resep ini. Bisa ditebak gagal-lah diet saya, sengaja W*P di skip, jam 9 malam menghirup aroma Kayumanis & butter, mana tahan... Tanpa malu2, begitu roti terlihat matang Golden Brown, matikan oven, langsung ngembat 1 yang paling flat, maksudnya kalau bentuknya jelek kan gak akan dijadikan model foto. Hohoho...  OMG.. Ternyata teksturnya sesuai yang saya inginkan. Renyah kulit luarnya tapi juga kenyal lembut berpori kecil di bagian dalam. Antara Danish Pastry dan Soft Bread. Pantas saja di blog ini banyak kesaksian dari orang2 yang puas setelah mencoba resep ini. Makan 1 tidak akan pernah cukup deh. Ia... Ngaku tadi pagi makan 1 lagi yang dikasih kucuran glazur *byebye diet... Besok gowes aja deh yang jauh... Hehehe...

Resepnya saya share sesuai bahasa asalnya ya.... dapat dari 
Cinnamon RollsMakes 15 rolls
Recipe Adapted from "The Pioneer Woman Cooks"
Ingredients for the Dough:
1 1/3 cup milk (saya pakai fresh milk)
1/3 cup vegetable oil (saya pakai minyak sayur kemasan)
1/3 cup caster sugar (saya pakai gula pasir yang butirannya halus)
1 1/2 tsp dry yeast
2 2/3 cups plain flour (plus additional 1/3 cup) saya pakai terigu protein sedang merk Segitiga Biru
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/3 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
Ingredients for Sprinkling :
100g unsalted butter - melted
1/2 cup brown sugar + 2 Tbsp extra (lagi gak ada stock gula palem jadi cuma pakai gula pasir butiran halus saja)
3 1/2 Tbsp cinnamon powder
1/2 tsp nutmeg powder (saya skip)
1/2 tsp cloves powder (saya skip)
1/2 tsp mixed spice (saya pakai Bumbu Spekoek)
1) Mix the milk, vegetable oil and sugar in a pan.
2) Scald the mixture (heat until just before the boiling point). Turn off heat
and leave to cool for about 30 mins.
3) When the mixture is lukewarm to warm, but NOT hot, sprinkle in dry
yeast. Let this sit for a minute.
4) Add 2 2/3 cups of flour into the milk mixture. Stir mixture together with
a wooden spoon. Cover and let rise for at least an hour. The dough will still
be very sticky to touch (but some of the gluten would have developed by
5) Add in 1/3 cup of flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Stir
mixture together. (At this point the dough will still be sticky, you could
cover the dough and put it in the fridge for about 30 minutes to firm slightly
so that it'll be easier to handle. Alternatively you can leave it overnight or
even a day or two in the fridge. This will give you a firmer dough. Just keep
your eye on it and if it starts to overflow out of the pan, just punch it
down). Saya cuma masukkan kulkas 30mnt. Msh agak lengket tp tabur terigu aja agak banyak saat menggiling.
6) When ready to prepare rolls, mix the sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, mixed
spice and clove in a bowl. Stir well to mix everything together.
7) Then sprinkle rolling surface generously with flour. Form a rough
rectangle with the dough. Then roll the dough thin, maintaining a general
rectangular shape about the size of a jelly pan. Drizzle melted butter over
the dough. Next sprinkle the sugar mixture over the butter. (I find that in
humid weather, it is easier to dot the dough with soften butter cubes rather
than melted butter to prevent the butter from oozing out as you start to roll
the dough)
8) Now starting at the opposite end, begin rolling the dough in a neat line
toward you. Keep the roll relatively tight as you go. Next, pinch the seam of
the roll to seal it.
9) Cut the roll to approximately 1 inch thick and lay them in a greased
baking tray. Leave a little space in between the rolls for them to rise.
Let the rolls rise for 30 - 40 mins. Then bake at a 180℃ pre-heated oven
until light golden brown, about 20-25 mins. Serve warm.

*yg suka merem melek kalau menghirup aroma Kayumanis

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